The postguy was smiling all the time, probably about my bewildered look on the face.
Anyways, i read who send it "Miracle images"... i could not guess who that is, so i got me my scalpell and cut it open like a corpse, and opened it with my retractor arms and i found a not above alle the paperstuff.
It read:
"Mighty Congratulations!"
And then i flew over the text and saw it had to do with star wars, i ripped the paper aside and found the boxes that you can see down there.
I flipped, that was somehting. I totally forgot about the contest i participated ages ago, 5 month ago to be precise.

The cool thing is, you can see my contest entry in the magazine, if you can pick up the german star wars das offizielle magazin #62 on July the 6th.
But maybe you can't, so here is a small version of it:

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