Montag, 27. September 2010

Bela Lugosi

I hoped to do a portrait of my favorite Actor, Vincent Price, first... but i had to paint Bela Lugosi for the comic i am doing right now. Not that i don't like him or anything, but i wanted to paint them bigger, it is just a blown up part of the panel from the comic.
As you see it here it won't be in the comic, i made a wallpaper out of it.


Freitag, 24. September 2010

And something else came to mind. To relax i paint something different, and somehow a Shadow Weaver was born and the idea of another painting that i would want to finish, when i have the time.


It was an image that came to my mind when i talked with somebody about ideas.
Floating minds held back by a chain.
All done in Painter as a speedpainting to keep the idea visible.

Donnerstag, 16. September 2010


What a movie... just plain awesome, from the acting talent of the girl up to the music. Everything was right for me.
Great movie. Hope i could honor it a little with a painting.

Montag, 13. September 2010

Masters of the Universe Commission

The guys on the outside are Charakters of the series, the one in the middle is the customer.
There are two versions, one with his eyes glowing red, like here, and one with eyes glowing blue.

Sonntag, 12. September 2010

A Painting begins

This is an speedy of an image i had in mind. I will paint it more detailed when i have the time.

Samstag, 4. September 2010

Frankenstein Jesus

This is the first Panel of another story i am currently painting.
The sketch is showing a different view, but i watched the original Frankenstein again, and changed the view to an almost similar to the movie.

Not sure about the rain, for the print i will have to change it probably. Maybe it will change again, because maybe i have to add some snow... we'll see.

Here is the sketch and the Painted Panel (Done in Painter and Photoshop)