Mittwoch, 29. Dezember 2010

Comic Poster

Haven't got the time to post something in the last time. But here is a little Poster for a comic a was able to work on with other talented people.
There are 3 stories a drew/painted in there (link below).

Enjoy the last post for this year:

Here is the link to the online-comic:

Sonntag, 10. Oktober 2010


At work i am thinking a project of mine, and while wandering around i try to think of the look of the characters... tonight i tried something.
This is the result:

Montag, 27. September 2010

Bela Lugosi

I hoped to do a portrait of my favorite Actor, Vincent Price, first... but i had to paint Bela Lugosi for the comic i am doing right now. Not that i don't like him or anything, but i wanted to paint them bigger, it is just a blown up part of the panel from the comic.
As you see it here it won't be in the comic, i made a wallpaper out of it.


Freitag, 24. September 2010

And something else came to mind. To relax i paint something different, and somehow a Shadow Weaver was born and the idea of another painting that i would want to finish, when i have the time.


It was an image that came to my mind when i talked with somebody about ideas.
Floating minds held back by a chain.
All done in Painter as a speedpainting to keep the idea visible.

Donnerstag, 16. September 2010


What a movie... just plain awesome, from the acting talent of the girl up to the music. Everything was right for me.
Great movie. Hope i could honor it a little with a painting.

Montag, 13. September 2010

Masters of the Universe Commission

The guys on the outside are Charakters of the series, the one in the middle is the customer.
There are two versions, one with his eyes glowing red, like here, and one with eyes glowing blue.

Sonntag, 12. September 2010

A Painting begins

This is an speedy of an image i had in mind. I will paint it more detailed when i have the time.

Samstag, 4. September 2010

Frankenstein Jesus

This is the first Panel of another story i am currently painting.
The sketch is showing a different view, but i watched the original Frankenstein again, and changed the view to an almost similar to the movie.

Not sure about the rain, for the print i will have to change it probably. Maybe it will change again, because maybe i have to add some snow... we'll see.

Here is the sketch and the Painted Panel (Done in Painter and Photoshop)

Montag, 30. August 2010

One Panel

something i am working on at the moment, a comic, digitally painted.
This is one of the panels.

Dienstag, 17. August 2010

Howard Lovecraft

Some might have already seen it, but i post it here again. It is the cover for a comic Tradepaperback: HOWARD LOVECRAFT AND THE FROZEN KINGDOM
You can order it at Amazon.

Done in Photoshop 7 withing 6 hours.

Montag, 26. Juli 2010

Donnerstag, 22. Juli 2010


This was commissioned as Sticker for the backside of a helmet for a motorcycle and maybe for the bike itself.
The left was the original design, but shortly before i was done with it, he asked for a different suit with a little extra payment.
I drew it up and now he has two versions and can choose for himself what to with them.

It was a fun project, finding the right pose and what to creature exactly. He wanted 3 of his hobbies to be combined: Those Bartagame lizards, motorcycle sport and Masters of the universe. I drew him some ideas, even drew his motorcycle to lean on, instead of the sword, that came at the very last moment. But it fits perfectly i think.
And he was very happy with his Artwork. Now i wait for him to send me photos of the printing on the helmet or wherever he puts it.

Mittwoch, 14. Juli 2010


Yeah, again something STAR WARS related. This time not digital, all traditional marker art with white pastel on colored paper. This came by when i was playing around with my copics... not a big thing, but something to show.

Montag, 28. Juni 2010

This is the colored version of the preview pencildrawing. I got carried away with the colordetails.

Sonntag, 20. Juni 2010


This is a combination of 12 single images i have drawn while watching, or better, listlening to the world cup games so far.

I am thinking of selling these... Originals or prints.

Dienstag, 15. Juni 2010

Picture yourself in wonderland

For a contest on Deviant Art. But i didn't make it under the finalists.
Theme was "Picture yourself in Wonderland".

Get your 3D glasses (red/cyan)

The normal image:

The whole thing in 3D

But best viewed in grey i think:

These images are pretty small, the originals are almost 3 times this big and hold may little details.

Samstag, 22. Mai 2010

Queen of Hearts

Some doodeling

Ascent to Heaven

Okay, sinse the Angel goes down, there has to be a devil going up. All about ballance.

This is the Original with a little tweaking on the Levels from the scan. I didn't want to do wings on the original because i didn't know wich to use first. The little Batwings, or black feathers? But seeing these now i thing i will do the feathers.

Freitag, 21. Mai 2010

Descend to hell

Something different this time.
Sketched around a little to find some stuff to paint later and this is the result:
An Angel on the way down to hell.
Why? Don't know yet, but i liked the idea.

Graphite this time, no digital lead.

Freitag, 14. Mai 2010

Frank Frazetta passed away

The worst news for me, i found out today, that Frank Frazetta passed away on May 10th at age 82.
He was a great artist, probably the best for me in a way that nobody can reach.
I always loved to look at his work, wonder how he did this, or that... the fantasy and all the covers and posters for movies he did, every piece is great. I always wanted to meet him one day, that was a dream of mine, and it won't happen. Sadly.
He seemed to be so nice what i saw on his documentary "Painting with Fire".
Seemed to have a good life.

Hope he didn't suffer and wherever he is, he is well.
I will miss him a lot!!!
My condolences to his family.

Here are two of his greatest artworks. He defined the look of Conan the Barbarian.
And the Deathdealer wich became a cover for the german videobox of the movie Fire & Ice.

Freitag, 7. Mai 2010

And another Mr. Freeze.
Took me a while, i tried so many things. I had a vision in mind, but i couldn't quite get it right on the virtual paper. As usual i got lost in the details... wich i didn't intend to do. The image is 11x17 inches (almost DIN A3 in germany) and is completely done in Photoshop.
This was almost what i wanted.

To make it more interessting for a wallpaper i added the smoke and the Batman logo.

Mittwoch, 28. April 2010

I like the DC Universe so i stick around a little.
Here is a speedy of Clayface.

Montag, 26. April 2010

Sketched a litte around and was caught in the Batman Universe.
I never drew Mr. Freeze. And some ideas popped in my head, this presented here is just one. Maybe i post the others another day.

Samstag, 24. April 2010

Rose on Fire

I saw something like that today (numbers and alphabet), and i was struck by it.
So i tried something like it.

The Rose below is my creation, the different colors. Played araound with it.

Dienstag, 6. April 2010

Linda Aspin

A little ... Portrait of some sort.
I am working on something with a painted feel, this is just a (fleshed out)sketch, but i like it.

Donnerstag, 25. März 2010

Slave 1

Tried some explosions and thought i could draw Boba Fetts ship in front of it.

Boba Fett

A daily warm up sketch, done in around 15 minutes.

I wanted to find a cool pose for an Illustration of Boba Fett, tried some and this stuck. But i think there is already an image like this... not sure, so it became just a daily and i will go and find another pose.


Mittwoch, 24. März 2010

Sleepy Hollow Homage

First try to post anything.

This was conceived before Halloween last year, as a tribute to Sleepy Hollow (the Tim Burton Film is a favorite of mine, and the tree is even a little changed in his new movie Alice in Wonderland) and the 80's Toys and Cartoonshow MASTERS of the UNIVERSE.

I drew it on paper first and scanned it, the rest is done with Photoshop.
