Today's warm up. This time: Tomb Raider.
Yes, it is not really looking like the game character... but just painted.
I used a reference image for the pose.
This is the mysterious Castle Grayskull, wich holds the power of the Universe.
A little commission for a user on a He-Man forum. He wanted it to be unique, so i placed my name in big lettern over it.
Hello and Welcome to my first Video Tutorial.
Sad thing is, it is german, because i got asked by a german guy if i could make a tutial of how i did the Snake Mountain Illustration.
But, maybe you can figure out what i did. Sometimes the pop up menues are visible.
Hope you are not too annoyed by my voice, but you can mute me anytime you like.
Hope you enjoy anyways.
And don't be afraid if you hear a little snarling sound at the end, it is just my parrot.